2018 Year in Review

November 30, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

View More: http://leahholstonphotography.pass.us/kanakisfamily2018View More: http://leahholstonphotography.pass.us/kanakisfamily2018

Welcome to our family blog, where you'll see a photographic story line of our lives and what it's like to raise three crazy boys. T- Our oldest is growing up quickly into a mini adult, he loves being active and right in the mix of things. M- Our middle man is very compassionate and caring, he's the animal lover of the group for sure. G- The youngest... You'll notice right away he is trouble, it's written all over his face. He's also quite the charmer and likes having his picture taken. We love to road trip and have a bucket list to make it to all 50 states with the kids before they graduate. Hope you enjoy our journey as much as we do! ('Family Blog' photo courtesy of Leah Holston)


2018 Year in Review

I have to admit there are years when I do a good job at making sure to take a lot of photos of my kiddos and then there are years that I fail miserably -- just like anyone else. Sometimes being a photographer makes it harder to feel compelled to pull out my camera and chase down the boys -- however when I do I never regret it! Goals -- keep taking pictures!


Using G to see how my spring mini session backdrop would look :) 

For spring break we decided to travel take a new road, we adventured to Texas! Headed straight for Galvestion where we hung out by the pier and beach.Then to San Antionio to explore the Alamo and Missions as well as Busch Gardens.  Of course I had to stop in Waco and explore (the boys liked it there too). On our way home we stopped for a rainy day at Silver Dollar City in Branson and thru Chicago to see Uncle B before finally making it back home. Totally an amazing trip with great memories!


We made in Home just in time for EASTER! 


Our boys love being a part of Scouts! Best part of the derby race for them...racing against each other after all the 'real' races are done




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