A Little Bit of Us | 365 Project // part one // Jan-Feb
I always spend a little bit of time over December and January rethinking, organizing, reflecting. You know all those thoughts you have when something ends and another begins. This amazing business has given me so much and I was able to step away from my other career and focus on this one starting last fall. While I'm excited and bit less stressed, I'm also scared and overwhelmed. I know that everything in my work life is now focused on me meeting my goals and reaching just a little bit more every day. I do what I do because I love it. But somewhere along the line it has started to take over a bit. So to bring myself back and spend more time focusing on us (our family), I've decided to attempt to capture at least one photo a day that is true to us. You'll find those here, where you can see 'a little bit of us' through out the year.
JANUARY 2017 // New Year Light
See Part Two HERE